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File List | 1995-08-22 | 6.7 KB | 131 lines |
- █████ OS/2 Arsenal v1.0
- █████ Area: OS/2 Networking
- █████ Disc: [2] 1993 & Before
- █████ PATH: \OS2_NETW
- 3C507.ZIP NDIS MAC driver for 3Com Etherlink/16
- 3C507_92.ZIP 3Com EtherDisk for EtherLink 16 & 16 TP Adapt
- 3COM.ZIP OS/2 drivers for 3com ethernet cards (incl. e
- 3COM_MAC.ZIP NDIS MAC drivers for 3Com Etherlink
- BMR200.ZIP An OS/2 PM Netware utility that
- manages those annoying "popup"
- line messages. Sends them too!
- v2.0 supports multiple servers,
- auto-refresh of user lists and
- much, much more.
- BMR_110.ZIP An OS/2 PM Netware utility that
- manages those annoying "popup"
- line messages. Sends them too!
- BTNG2EXE.ZIP Beholder, an RMON compliant ethernet monitor
- CD_SHR.ZIP How to share a CD-ROM on a LAN Server (3.0) s
- CHKSTO.ZIP LAN Server programs which check disk usage
- CNFGLS13.ZIP Tuning aid for LS 1.3 - Lotus/Excel spreadshe
- COAX_MAC.ZIP NDIS MAC drivers for IBM Lan-Over-Coax 3174
- CONDEMO.ZIP Conduit LAN Admin package demo
- CONMAN.ZIP Graphically display available PM Lan network
- DATAGLN2.ZIP IBM DatagLANce Network Analyzer demo (Disk 2
- DIRSTAT.ZIP Show Token-Ring adapter info in PM window
- ELNKIIO.ZIP NDIS drivers for the 3Com Etherlink II
- ELNKO.ZIP Ndis drivers for the 3Com EtherLink boards
- ELNKPLO.ZIP Ndis drivers for the 3Com EtherLink Plus
- ETHIIEO.ZIP NDIS drivers for the Nokia Data Ethernet IIe
- ETHR_MAC.ZIP NDIS MAC drivers for IBM Ethernet Adapter/A
- EVEREXO.ZIP NDIS drivers for the Everex SpeedLink /PC16
- EXP16.ZIP NDIS drivers for Inter EthernetExpress 16 v.2
- GENFLDR.ZIP NetWare WPS Folder/Program builder, version 1
- HPLANO.ZIP NDIS drivers for the HP Ethertwist PC LINK(8,
- IBMNETAO.ZIP NDIS drivers: IBM PC Network Adapter II/A (MC
- IBMNETO.ZIP NDIS drivers for the IBM PC Network (Baseband
- IBMTOKO.ZIP NDIS drivers: IBM Token-Ring Adapter(II, /A,
- II07211.TXT Dos 6.1 Installation on OS/2 Lan Server 3.0
- LANADMN.ZIP PM interface for IBM LAN Server, needs VREXX
- LANSTART.ZIP Startup folder that only starts after network
- LANTASTI.ZIP How to install LANtastic on an OS/2 machine
- LMU2DEMO.ZIP IBM Lan Management Utilities/2 2.0 demo diske
- LNMDEMO.ZIP Lan Network Manager v1.1 demonstration
- LSSHDO.ZIP OS/2 Lan Server command-line shutdown utility
- MAC586O.ZIP NDIS Drivers for the DCA 10BASE cards
- MACWDO.ZIP NDIS drivers: Western Digital EtherCard Plus(
- MAILMIND.ZIP Network NetBIOS protocol mail reminder
- MSARCO.ZIP NDIS drivers: Standard Microsystems SMC Arcne
- NBR11.ZIP Eight Layer Systems NDIS Serial Bridge
- NCRSLANO.ZIP NDIS drivers for the NCR StarCard 8-bit ISA C
- NCRTRNO.ZIP NDIS drivers for the NCR 4mb Token-Ring Adapt
- NDIS.ZIP 1990 LanServer NDIS upgrade: new netbind.exe
- NDISCONC.ZIP NDIS COncepts (from 3Com Technical Journal)
- NDIS_MAC.ZIP Microsoft/3Com LAN Manager NDIS specification
- NE1000O.ZIP NDIS drivers for the Ne1000 card
- NE2000.ZIP Using IBM Lan Server 2.0 with Novel NE2000 Ad
- NE2000O.ZIP NDIS drivers for the Ne2000 card
- NE3200O.ZIP NDIS drivers for the Ne3200 card
- NETAPI.ZIP Run selected Net API from the command line
- NETSRV.ZIP A fix for Novell Netware Lite 1.0
- NETWAR.ZIP Integrating NetWare and OS/2
- NETWLSRV.ZIP Patch to allow NetWare Lite Server to run in
- NI5210O.ZIP NDIS drivers for the Racal Interlan NI5210
- NI6510.ZIP NDIS drivers for the Racal Interlan NI6510
- NI9210O.ZIP NDIS drivers for the Racal Interlan NI9210
- NISTIME.ZIP Update time/date from NIST Internet server
- NORB200.ZIP OS/2 Requester Driver for Ethernet 800/8013
- NTAPR1.ZIP List of APARs from IBM relating to networks.
- NTP.ZIP REXX Network Time Protocol client (req. rxSoc
- NWIBM.ZIP NetWare IBM Coexistence Guidelines
- ODINSP.ZIP Support NDIS protocol in a NetWare configurat
- OLITOKO.ZIP NDIS drivers for the Olicom 16 Bit ISA Token
- OLMGLOSS.ZIP OS/2 Lan Manager Version 2.00 Glossary List
- OLMINDEX.ZIP OS/2 Lan Manager 2.00 Index List
- OS2V2A.ZIP This revision of NetBIOS resolves problems
- that could result in trap 000E's at the
- workstation. It also provides support 254
- sessions, and correctly closes commands,
- names, and sessions that an application has
- open when it terminates.
- OSRM216.ZIP Osrm2 LAN System version 1.3.15
- PCNA_MAC.ZIP NDIS MAC drivers for IBM PC Network/A
- PCN_MAC.ZIP NDIS MAC drivers for IBM PC Network
- R201FX.ZIP DOS Global Session fixes for Novell NetWare
- RESTOK.ZIP Token Ring Reset Program, for LSP use
- RN38D.ZIP 4th bugfixed version of IBM readnews (RN) 3.8
- S12960.ZIP NDIS Driver for LM2.0: Spider Systems Etherne
- S12963.ZIP NDIS Driver for LM2.0: RACAL INTERLAN NI9210,
- S12965.ZIP NDIS Driver for LM2.0: RACAL INTERLAN NI5210,
- S12967.ZIP NDIS Driver for LM2.0: NCR WaveLAN AT/MC Adap
- S13389.ZIP NDIS Driver for LM2.0: Eden ED586/32
- S13393.ZIP NDIS Driver for LM2.0: ProNET-4 Token Ring (1
- S13395.ZIP NDIS Driver for LM2.0: Racore 16/4 Token-Ring
- S13397.ZIP NDIS Driver for LM2.0: SMC 3016 Series Adapte
- S13399.ZIP Ungermann-Bass Access ( MC,PC-8,PC-16 )
- S13401.ZIP NDIS drivers for Ungermann Bas NICps2 etherne
- SPIDERO.ZIP NDIS drivers:Spider Communications SC-100E
- TCCARCO.ZIP NDIS drivers for the Thomas Conrad TC6145
- TKBM_MAC.ZIP NDIS MAC drivers for IBM Token-Ring Busmaster
- TLNKO.ZIP NDIS drivers for the 3COM TokenLink (3C603)
- TN_ENH11.ZIP Enhancement for IBM OS/2 2.0 telnet daemon
- TOKWDO.ZIP NDIS drivers for the Western Digital WD8005TR
- TOK_MAC.ZIP NDIS MAC drivers for IBM Token-Ring (except B
- TSBETHRO.ZIP NDIS drivers for the Toshiba ToshibaLan adapt
- TUNEUP.ZIP TuneUp is a tool to assist administrators of
- IBM LAN Server version 2.0 and 3.0 in
- performance and tuning of their LAN Server
- environments. This offers an easy interface
- where users are prompted for questions and
- recommendations are calculated.
- UBAS_MAC.ZIP NDIS MAC drivers for Ungermann-Bas NIUpc
- UBNEIO.ZIP NDIS drivers for the Ungermann-Bass PC2030 ca
- UBNEPS.ZIP NDIS driver for Ungermann Bass NICps2 etherne
- UR37165.ZIP Lan Manager Version 1.0 updated for OS/2 2.0
- VNWLOG.ZIP Visual NetWare login - simple PM login
- WATCH.ZIP A collection of programs to monitor LAN
- Server 3.0 performance. Data is collected
- for analysis to provide the information
- necessary to maintain performance and
- capacity.
- WAVELANO.ZIP NDIS drivers for the NCR WaveLan adapter
- WDIG_MAC.ZIP NDIS MAC drivers for WD EtherCard PLUS & PLUS
- WHOIS10C.ZIP Whois client for OS/2: Name lookup on the int
- XGARIPL.ZIP RIPL info for XGA-2 w/Service Pak from Lan Se
- XUTIL091.ZIP Nodelist Net lister, node extractor